Thursday, January 15, 2009

The army, INS, and the US mail

So here's the update to our saga. Remember the army extended when Sandi could go to boot camp to January 14th because he couldn't extend his green card until October. Well, the first day he was elidgable he mailed in the papers and recieved a notice that his recidency was extended for a year. The army however didn't accept that saying it had to be an actual card. So the Saturday after Thanksgiving Sandi did his biometrics and we waited for the card in the mail....and waited and waited. We thought hmmm....must be stucked in Christmas mail. We waited some more. The army started to get anxious and sent Sandi to talk to INS. They said no problem they'd give him a temporary permant resident card...the army wouldn't accept that either. We couldn't get a hold of California to see where his greencard was and INS here wouldn't call for us. So we started to get antzy and worried too. Dad talked to someone at church who works at INS who said he could track the card for us. Mom wrote senator Akaka a respectful letter kicking his butt and asking him to pass it along to either INS or the army or perferably both. He called the next day and said he was on the case. Dad's friend at church let him know the next day our request was still in California waiting approval. He didn't have any power to tell them to hurry it up but it was nice to know where the green card was. Mom called the senator to see if he had found out anything but they couldn't get a hold of California either. Oh well. We anxiously checked the mail but no green card came. The day Sandi was soppose to shipout came and my visions of senator Akaka flying down in his personal helicopter to hand deliver Sandi's greencard began to fade. However, suddenly the army stepped up to the plate and decided to make some calls. Apparently there is an Army INS number you can call and they'll answer all your questions for you. (glad they told Apparently it takes about 6 monthes after you turn in your paperwork to get the green card, meaning April. The army placed his new shipout day as May 28th, but it can move up if he gets his greencard.
We've written senator Akaka and asked him to stay on the case and as for us it's back to job hunting.


B.K. Stanley said...

Nice picture Amber. Hang in there, this too shall pass-- no, no, I don't mean the new ship out date, just the period of trial. Love you!

Kristin said...

I wanted to cry reading this Amber. Waiting is so hard. It must also be so hard to fight for the ability to send your husband off too. Something I am guessing you have torn feelings about. You should write to Obama. He says he is all about change. Maybe he could be of some help. :) What is the picture of by the way? The day he signed up for the Army?

Rebekah said...

What a nightmare! Trying to get branches of government to talk to each other is like trying to get fighting children to play nice. It would be easier for them to take care of things, but no they make the civilian who doesn't have any clout do it.

Amber Rae said...

yeah the picture is the day he swore in