Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Abuse Talk

So our first Sunday back in Hawaii and I go to church with my mom. The next thing I know I am asked to teach next Sunday's Releif Society lesson. I am not sure I am really even in my mom's ward and now here I am teaching. The topic....sexual abuse, or really any kind of abuse. It's based on Elder Scott's last conference talk. This is a very sensitive topic to those who have experienced it, and to those who haven't I wonder if they really understand it. So I am imploring all the avid readers of my blog....HELP. Share with me your insight or suggestions, I beseech you and thank you.


Rebekah said...

Wow. Now that is a tough topic. I would recommend pondering and reading Elder Scott's talk a lot this week. He did a good job with the topic. You could also plan for a lot of group discussion so the women can share their thoughts. That way you can be more of a moderator sharing Elder Scott's insights and asking the questions.

Kristin said...

Yep, I agree with Rebekah, you stick as close to the talk as possible. Is it because of your degree that you were asked to do it? I have two text books on the subject so if you need any specific information give me a call and I will look it up for you.